At the End - a Song

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Theater piece on Home(land) and Away-from-home; remembrance and culture

Two women sit next to each other. The special feature of this situation is: one is a caregiver, one is a very old woman, who doesn't speak. No-one knows her name or where she comes from.

The caregiver must, however, find out this very information. Otherwise she can't help. And anyway, she has to go to her daughter, even if she doesn't want to see her. Why?
There are meny questions. And a mysterious suitcase full of photos and miscellaneous. A game grew out of all of t his, a game with pictures and memories in which the care-giver and the old woman feel closer, until they are singing together at the end.

Originally the piece "A Song at the Ende" developed out of research into care, assistance and work with memories. It is based on a true biographical story: the flight of a Jewish family from former White-Russia (Byelorussia) in 1941 during the second world war, fleeing from the Germans to the more Muslim Tadzikistan, and after his parents died, the daughter migrated to Geremany, becoming assimilated into the German majority consciousness. After the death of the parents, the daughter emigrates to Germany and becomes assimilated in the German society. Helps enourage talking about the film and discussion The relationship between religions and culture, Very interesting.

Vollzug dieses Erinnerns schlägt es einen besonderen Bogen zum
Verhältnis der Religionen und Kulturen zueinander und setzt sich mit Fragen nach kultureller
Identität auseinander.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 11.04.22, 23:21 o 'clock