15. Zittauer Three Lenten Cloths Tour

| Museum Kirche zum Heiligen...

Städtische Museen Zittau

On Sunday, February 18, 2024, the Zittau Fasten Tuch e.V. association, the Franciscan Monastery Cultural History Museum, the Evangelical Lutheran parish of St. Johannis and the Roman Catholic parish “St. Marien” for the 15th Zittau Three Lenten Cloths Tour. This year's theme is:

“MEDIA VITA IN MORTE SUMUS”, In the middle of life we are in death, prayer of the Notker of St. Gallen (around 840-912)

This small inner-city pilgrimage to the Lenten cloths goes back to an idea by Pastor Michael Dittrich. The occasion was the donation of a valuable copy of the Shroud of Turin to the Roman Catholic parish of “St. Marien”, where a Lenten cloth was used to create it, which has covered the high altar every year between Ash Wednesday and Good Friday since 2008.

The three-cloth journey begins at 3 p.m. in the Church of the Holy Cross Museum - Great Zittau Lenten Cloth, where the historical background of the prayer and its reception by Martin Luther as well as in literature and poetry of later times are discussed.

The next stop is St. John's Church at 4 p.m. Here is the copy of the Lenten cloth from the cathedral in Freiburg i.Br. as well as that of the Small Zittau Lenten Cloth can be seen. The event ends at 5 p.m. in St. Mary's Church in front of the Lenten shroud with the copy of the Shroud of Turin.

Admission is free, a donation is requested

This event will take place in German language.

Aktualisiert am 05.02.24, 19:33 o 'clock