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100 years of puppet theatre in Venice nad Jizerou

| Muzeum Benátecka

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

Photographs, sets and of course puppets were collected to map the hundred-year history of the puppet theatre in Benátky. Although puppet shows have been documented in our country for several years earlier, the theatre did not have a permanent stage at the beginning of the century. The performances took place in the U Macáků inn on Hus Square. The stage for them was always makeshift, made of tablecloths and sheets. At the end of 1923 a permanent puppet theatre was established as part of the entertainment department of the Sokol. The members of the unit made the stage, the curtain and the costumes for the puppets. The first performance took place in March 1924, and we are marking its anniversary by opening the visitor season with a puppet show.
An opening reception will be held on April 4 at 5 pm. We look forward to seeing you and your children, for whom we have prepared a creative corner, a guided tour of the exhibition, a video projection and musical performances by the children's members of the puppet theatre. They will receive a small gift from us as a farewell gift.
Art & Exhibition
Aktualisiert am 29.03.24, 05:57 o 'clock