Fokus Festival

15. - 16. Aug 25 | RABRYKA (creative city...

For two days, the FOKUS Festival will showcase a diverse and colorful program featuring music, art, interactive activities around Urban Art, and much more...

This year, the festival is held under the motto: "inVISIBLE".

Around 100 associations, initiatives, artists, and individuals will perform on 3 stages and in numerous areas spread across the entire RABRYKA grounds. Countless hours of work—about 15 people have spent 6 months planning, organizing, researching, creating, and celebrating both the setup and teardown!

All this to show people that Görlitz can be a wild, creative, and youthful city.

This is the FOKUS Festival in Görlitz!

Last update 13.02.25, 10:23 o 'clock


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