Štefan Margita: Na správné cestě (“On the right path”)

| VRATISLAVICE Cultural...

Opera singer and tenor Štefan Margita will venture from the world of opera into the world of chanson for the first time! This time he has prepared a concert lasting more than an hour for his fans, which will feature completely new songs written for him by the singer and composer Michal Kindl. Completely new Christmas carols are also on the program.
“Michal and I performed together on my tour last year. The collaboration worked well, so I asked Michal to write more songs for me. After all, it turned out to be a whole evening that we would love to spend with you!”

Web: https://www.vratislavice101010.cz/koncert-stefan-margita-na-spravne-ceste

Aktualisiert am 28.11.22, 09:47 o 'clock