| Small Theatre

Divadlo F.X.Šaldy...

Molière's masterful verse comedy about hypocrisy brings to the stage the ever-topical type of the sanctimonious, great manipulator who preaches a false morality and deftly covers his own power designs and desire for profit with false accusations. In Tartuffe, the genius classic Moliére plays out polished dialogue shootouts and weaves a hilariously convoluted situation with a flair for mixing the tragic and the ridiculous. He bitterly mocks a superficial society that always blindly admires the mask of pretence anew. The play has been riddled with bans and scandals, and to this day it vividly exposes all the powerful hypocrites who have faithfully accompanied human society for thousands of years. Living examples of Tartuffe can be found on the contemporary Czech political scene as abundantly as at the court of Louis XIV, whom the author knew intimately. One of Molière's most famous comedies is returning to Liberec after twenty years, and after more than thirty-five years, so too is director and actor Ivan Řezáč, whom our loyal audience may remember as a member of the Liberec drama group and even as Valere in Tartuffe from 1981.

On Sunday 12.3. we have to change the performance in the Small Theatre. Instead of "I Served the King of England" we are performing "Tartuffe" - a classic verse comedy about the eternal appeal of make-believe.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 08.03.23, 08:08 o 'clock
