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The Taming of the Shrew

| F. X. Šalda Theatre, Liberec

Divadlo F.X.Šaldy...

William Shakespeare, Dmitri Shostakovich, Marika Mikanová "When the scythe hits the stone, sparks fly up to the sky." On the boards of the Shald Theatre we will dance William Shakespeare's famous play from 1594 - The Taming of the Shrew. The comedy about the rebellious Catherine and the Veronese nobleman Petrucci transcends the time and social framework of the 16th century in our conception and remains alive and close to audiences of all ages today. The appealing theme of the complicated relationship between a man and a woman continues to attract audiences and remains an attractive subject for theatrical treatment even after four hundred years. The story of how the scythe hit the stone takes us with exaggeration and humour on a tortuous and uneasy journey in search of understanding between fire and water, Yin and Yang, Mars and Venus... Choreographed by the ballet company's director Marika Mikanova and accompanied by Dmitri Shostakovich's energetic music, the ballet company will bring you an unforgettable experience full of emotions and humour and will let you penetrate into the depths of the human heart. What do you think? Will our Petrucci manage to tame the semetrician Katherine and make her a humble and presentable wife? The last time the Liberec Ballet performed this title was in 1961, choreographed by Vera Untermüllerová.

A dance adaptation of the famous comedy.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 28.10.23, 13:11 o 'clock