Wolf Gäng - Be (no) sheep

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Presented by the Theater Youth Club in cooperation with the actors of Gerhart-Hauptmann Theater

Little Wolfgang was adopted and raised without his knowing this. His sheep-parents not only keep secret that he's not their own biological son, but also that Wolfgang actually isn't a sheep at all... All is well for many years; Wolfgang grows up happy and well-cared for in the middle of a huge herd. When he enters puberty and falls in love with an adventurous sheep girl, who wants to break free of all the herd rules at any cost, fate plays out. He discovers his true identity. And love or not - sheep and wolf don't fit. Wolves eat meat and sheep are herd animals... that is tradition. Or isn't it?

Part of the J-O-Ś Festival. A lively interaction with the piece and related questions about identity and lifestyle. With dance, rap, song and live music!

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 20.06.22, 15:07 o 'clock