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Weekends with Arcana adventure game at Svijany Castle

| Chateau Svijany

Zámek Svijany

Arcana Arcana will guide you through the castle and its incredible history. This interactive adventure game combines the possibilities of online games, secret hiding places and real-life ciphers. Besides testing your wits and observation, the game will also entertain you and your family or friends very well.Your faithful guide will be the game app on your tablet or phone, which will give you tasks, advise you how to overcome obstacles and give you hints in case of emergency.The game can be enjoyed by families with children aged 6 and up or a group of friends (up to 5 people). Ideally, at least two of you. On average, the game lasts 90 minutes, during which time you will explore the castle in great detail. Information about the game can be found HERE.

The price of the game includes a small gift at the end and a tour of the castle's exhibitions. The castle is open from 9am to 5pm.

Come to Svijany Castle on the weekend of 20-21 January and 17-18 February 2024 and play the interactive game Castle Arcana II - Against Time with a 40% discount
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Aktualisiert am 12.01.24, 05:32 o 'clock