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Planting corn poppies on the Univerzitní náměstí in Liberec.

| Visit Liberec

For the eighth time, the non-profit company Post Bellum is organizing a public collection symbolized by the poppy blossoms. As a thank you to all those who have made or will make a donation online, we will plant a small field on Univerzitní náměstí in Liberec with corn poppies.

If you would like to support the event, you can plant your self-made corn poppy in the field in memory of the freedom fighters.
On November 11, 1918, the fighting of World War I ended. The corn poppy, which became the symbol of this commemorative day, had covered the graves of those killed on the Western Front at that time.


Aktualisiert am 15.11.22, 18:11 o 'clock