Caution! Tough nuts!

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


A satirical inventory of the here and tomorrow with the ensemble members of academixer Peter Treuner and Ralf Bärwolff

On the piano: Jörg Leistner

"Caution! Tough nuts!” or: “You, me, Rosi – without Kurt!”
Everyone is talking about climate change. Nonsense. These are heat waves. And you have that as you get older. No matter which one. And it is also clear who is to blame: not us! Pensioners fly to the south and take cruises to the north, and those who are not yet retired buy cell phones from the east and drive to school in western cars. what is wrong with that? Nothing! The main thing is that we stick together, because the family is the smallest nucleus in society. An uncrackable nut. Resistant to antibiotics and toughened by health, pension and federalism reform. Too many foreign words?! Then don't skip school on Fridays and keep your nose to the wind again. All! And if everything goes wrong, we can still live on Mars. The rents aren’t that high there… the main thing is family!‎

Photo: Holger Hamsch

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 10.03.24, 07:07 o 'clock