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| Na Rampě Club

The band Vanua2, which was founded on the foundations of the legendary Blue Effect and which many music publicists describe as a great hope of the Czech scene thanks to the "Seal-like" voice of singer Yannick Tevi, will present songs from the current debut album TWO OF US and will also remind us of Radim Hladik and Blue Effect. The band Vanua2 impressed fans with energetic concerts and catchy pop-rock repertoire in English. Despite being a new name on the Czech scene, it manages to sell out all club shows. The group consists of the rhythm guitarist of the legendary Blue Effect, drummer Vaclav Zima, bassist Wojttech Riha, guitarist Jan Samek and singer Yannick Tevi from the island of Vanuatu. Snap Call is a rock'n'roll band from Turnov founded in 2012. "Snap Call are a mix of influences from blues rock, hard rock, biker rock'n'roll, southern rock and you could even trace hints of dirty country."

The great "Seal" voice of lead singer Yannick combined with the excellent musicians of Blue Effect - music full of energy and passion. Support: Snap Call from Turnov.
Last update 25.02.24, 06:01 o 'clock

