Dances from Around the World

| Hillersche Villa

Hillersche Villa

Whether in Spain, Israel, Brasil, France, India, Ireland or America -- people dance the world round! The language of Dance is universal and all people should be brought together via this common language in peace and friendship and dance, laugh and move together. In four short workshops you can try dances from various cultures in a relaxed, friendly group and also bring your enthusiasm and have fun dancing along with modern line dance combinations.

All workshops are FREE of charge and open to EVERYONE! Because dance connects all people -- no matter where they are in the world. You are very welcome to join us -- with or without previous experience.

Dates: 11 Dec. 2021/15 Jan. 2022/11 Feb. 2022 - 3-4:30 p.m. each time

Instructor: Katarin Rößler

-- Please contact the organizer to confirm whether the course is taking place as planned --

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Aktualisiert am 12.03.22, 11:27 o 'clock