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| Na Rampě Club

We bring you closer to life under the legendary Mount Doom, the 9th highest mountain in the world, Nanga Parbat, which has an unflattering record of tragic events. The mountain is located in the westernmost region of the Himalayas in Pakistan. It is the setting of the moving story of Reinhold Messner, who with his brother was the first to scale the world's highest wall, the famous Rupal Wall, in 1970 and made the mountain crossing, but his brother died on the Diamir Wall. The locals who rescued him still live their lives unchanged. We circumambulated the mountain from three sides and camped in the three base camps of this mountain. Along the way we passed seasonal herders' villages, so the lecture is about the mountain, the climbs, and the people. A trek that is very different to the treks in Nepal. Pakistan, which for many has the label of a hostile and dangerous country surprises with its kindness, friendly people and hospitality.

Travel talk with Radka Tkáčiková about Nanga Parbat mountain in the westernmost tip of the Himalayas in Pakistan.
Last update 08.03.24, 06:42 o 'clock

