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Tonda, Slavka and the magic light

| Cinema Varšava

Tonda has been glowing since birth, while his new neighbour, Slávka, has a magic torch that reveals worlds full of colour and magic only to the two of them. But it's also a film about their friendship, imagination and courage... Tonda, Slávka and the Magic Light is a film about what it's like to be different, a story about friendship and imagination, about light and darkness. "The film about Tonda and Slávka is actually an ordinary story that can happen to any of us. It is a depiction of the fairytale beauty hidden in all the good deeds we do for others. Tonda makes a big decision in the film that I'm proud of him for. Plus, he takes us into a world full of fantasy and magic. But let's not forget that each of us carries at least a small light inside us that can burn out whenever we show empathy, tolerance or help someone else. Any of us can become the hero of a great story," says director Filip Pošivač about the characters in his film.

The animated family film tells the story of an adventure that two unique children experience in a mysterious house.
Aktualisiert am 23.02.24, 06:04 o 'clock