Open House Day

| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


A theater day for the whole family

From 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. | Free admission!
The number of participants at some events is limited.
Free tickets will be available at the theater box office.

We are opening our house for you. Take a look behind the scenes, experience an extensive program, let yourself be pampered artistically and culinary.
We look forward to welcoming you!

The "Open Day" 2024 will be musically accompanied by the regional band "Powder Keg Boys". With an explosive mix of country, folk, bluegrass and a pinch of punk, the trio brings pure, unfiltered Americana music to us in Upper Lusatia.

The full program will be available here shortly:

Theatre and Literature
Last update 17.09.24, 10:09 o 'clock
