Student play of the Waldorf Lyceum in Semily: a little bit of Švanda

| Town Theatre, Turnov

Kulturní centrum Turnov,...

Despite the fact that he has gone out into the world with a pure soul to win his love, even he cannot avoid the temptations offered by the life of a bohemian and famous artist. Can Svanda retain his naivety and innocence, or will he be consumed by sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll? And to make matters worse, Švanda begins to show an unusual talent for getting into trouble, which also brings him into contact with the dangerous mafia. Švanda starts to play for his life and his only support is a few friends and a group of hippies. Single admission 150 CZK

What happens when Švanda, Tyl's bagpiper, discovers the magic of the electric guitar? From a simple village musician equipped only with a sincere smile and a banjo, he becomes a first-class rocker, and the tones pouring from his guitar begin to roll through the streets, causing a stir that few could have imagined.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 20.06.24, 08:35 o 'clock