Star Sounds



Chamber concerts of the New Lausitzer Landpartie

HARP Markus Thalheimer FLUTE Katrin Paulitz

Per aspera ad astra - through hardship to the stars, is the well-known saying that should radiate confidence through foresight in difficult times. Sounds naive? But no! For what is more important to man than hope?

So in January we are reaching for the stars and giving concerts in two places that are dedicated to magical twinkles in very different ways: The Moravian Star Manufactory and the Scultetus Observatory in Görlitz.

Moravian Stars Manufactory | Tue, 01/10/2023, 6:30 p.m
Scultetus Observatory Görlitz | Sun, 01/15/2023, 4:00 p.m

Admission free!

Reservation necessary:

Herrnhut: 03587 36415
Observatory: 03581 474747 (via our theater box offices)

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 06.01.23, 14:47 o 'clock