| VRATISLAVICE Cultural...

Jiří Charvát smoked a hallucinogenic frog and found out that it does not exist. His humour will be appreciated especially by those who had the misfortune to have a naked monkey as an avatar in this incarnation. Nikola Djokic, your favourite Serb, never a hammer. Bar thinker, retired playboy and notorious trouble collector. His stand-up is as precise and subtle as a well-chilled rakija. Or a knife wound. Martin Filippi has an Italian surname, a German haircut but is as Czech as a log. He likes puns, which means there's not a lot of truth in his performance. He talks about life, but not about his own. Success, but not his. Hair. It's even weirder when he decides to include something private. He hopes he's funnier than an AI.

Popular stand-up comedians you know from your TV screens: Jiri Charvat, Nikola Djokic and Martin Filippi.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 02.09.23, 11:34 o 'clock