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Community of owners - Jiří Havelka

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

The apartment building's owners' association meets in the hall. They've got a lot on their agenda. The roof is in a state of disrepair, it leaks inside, and woodworm is rampant in the beams. The skylights are rotting and falling tiles are endangering passers-by. New gas pipes are needed and an elevator needs to be installed. But how to do that when there's only a hundred and fifty thousand in the repair fund? And there are fourteen people at the table, fourteen owners, and almost everyone has a different idea of the solution...

A comedy about small Czech neighbours and their big worries.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 30.03.24, 06:14 o 'clock