Glass Menagerie

| VRATISLAVICE Cultural...

With humour and emotion, and with the utmost sincerity, it depicts the life of Amanda, an abandoned mother whose love and desire to make her children as happy as possible causes a great deal of havoc in her family. The character of son Tom is the personification of Tennessee Williams himself, and his sister Laura is originally his real sister Rose. This family tragicomedy is about us, each of us, it's a mirror set to our ridiculous family antics. Because love makes the most beautiful and the worst things happen. Together with Amanda, Tom, Laura and suitor Jim, we laugh and cry at ourselves.

The famous play The Glass Menagerie was written by American author Tennessee Williams with strongly autobiographical elements from his own family.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 28.05.24, 09:50 o 'clock