The Road - La Strada - F. Fellini - L. Engelová - J. Kudláčková

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

Federico Fellini's famous Oscar-winning film The Road served as the subject of a play that conveys a simple and wise message: every stone in the world has a purpose. So does every human being, even the most miserable. The coexistence of a pair of wandering comedians, abysmally different, also has a mysterious reason. The emotional note is drowned out by the hilarious noise of their performance at the right moment. The haunting atmosphere of the old circus proves a well-known truth: A performer does not need technical marvels to entertain an audience, but rather quickness, wit and courage. The Kalich Theatre Prague presents. The cast: Barbora Hrzánová, Radek Holub, Zbigniew Kalina, Klára Cibulková and Radek Zima.

A circus romance about the fact that even a small pebble makes sense in this world.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 06.04.23, 14:07 o 'clock