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ReasonBrothers & Makule

| Cafe KUS

Kulturní centrum Turnov,...

Admission to the event is voluntary. RozumBrothers - band from Turnov balances between rock and pop with a mixture of trip hop, folk and funk. The unmistakable expression of the band is spiced with excellent lyrics by Tomáš Roreček. Makule - Makule is such a special kind. It was created by crossbreeding. It cannot be ruled out that it was partly created by mating. It is very rare. There is only one specimen in the solar system. It has juice. The taste is rather bitter. It can be used as a laxative, but in most cases, it builds. Sometimes it gives you a headache. Often it stays in the head and can only be removed surgically. The fine hairs irritate the tonsils. In sensitive persons it causes an allergic reaction. It is a dangerous escape (from or to Makuli) with high fever. It leaves no one cold.

RozumBrothers & Makule on the Small (home) stage in KUS in Turnov.
Aktualisiert am 13.03.24, 06:20 o 'clock