Richard Fuhrmann & Friends

| Theater Görlitz - Apollo...


Singer-songwriter night with Luisa Köhler

As part of this concert series, Richard Fuhrmann invites up-and-coming musicians to a double concert at the Görlitz Theater.

Fuhrmann gives concerts both as a solo guitarist and in various duo and band constellations. Due to this diverse musical work and the associated encounters with other musicians, it has become his special goal to bring this concert series to life in his homeland, enriching the multifaceted nature of the musical landscape there.

The series of concerts has already been sold out several times in the first two seasons.

For this concert, Richard Fuhrmann has invited the Görlitz singer-songwriter Luisa Köhler. You will hear original songs from both artists, as well as some well-known hits.

Look forward to this unique constellation, profound stories and catchy tunes that will stay with you for a long time!

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 15.04.23, 16:01 o 'clock