Suburban camp: playful holidays

| Home Credit Arena and Sport...

Throughout the week, children have the opportunity to try out different sports under the guidance of professional coaches and find out what they really enjoy.
The children are looked after daily from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm by a team of experienced instructors. The last day of the camp (Friday) is over by 3:30pm due to the final ceromonials.
Good quality food is provided, including snacks and a full day's drinking regime. Bageterie Boulevard will take care of the morning snacks, which are prepared with fresh regional ingredients in crispy baguettes. Afternoon snacks include fruit, cereal bars, snacks and other healthy treats.
CAMP PROGRAM: skating lessons on the ice of the White Tigers in the Home Credit Arena with instructors from the Bruslička skating school basketball training in the Kort hall, which is the home of league basketball players and the Lynx Liberec club stretching with physiotherapists from Sport Park MEDICAL ball sports and team games, a children's sports quiz a fun lesson from the A- Movement SchoolStyle Liberec basics of "ping pong" in the Sports Club of table tennis training of judo basics with professional coaches from Judo Club Liberec bowling tournament in Bowling Arena Liberec training of athletic basics under the guidance of coaches AC Slovan Liberec hockey training in SENSE Arena virtual reality softball basics at Patriots Liberec visiting Luna Park in Centrum Babylon Liberec golf lessons under the guidance of coaches from Ypsilon Golf Liberec   INCLUDED IN THE CAMP: Entrance to the sports field rental of all necessary equipment including ice skates camp t-shirt lunches morning and afternoon snacks drinking regime sports gifts   Each week includes a closing ceremony, associated with the awarding of diplomas, medals and gifts. For parents and their children there is a photo documentation of the whole week, which will be sent regularly each week after the end of each tour.

Playful Holidays is a comprehensive sports suburban camp that focuses on physical versatility for children aged 6 to 14.
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Last update 15.03.25, 03:25 o 'clock
