Performance Do not disturb, please!

| Jas Cinema of Jára Cimrman,...

Město Tanvald

This well-known English comedy by a British author is very timeless in its content. Richard Willey, a notorious philanderer, serves as a minister and MP. One fine day, he decides to swap a tiring night session of the House of Commons for a top-secret rendezvous with the charming secretary of the opposition leader. The main story line is based on a myriad of lies and half-truths, through which the main character tries to get out of very delicate situations. Admission 80 CZK, 50 CZK for Senior Pass holders. Pre-sale at the cinema box office or at and

Theatre performance : Ray Cooney - Do not disturb, please! Played by. Directed by Veronika Nožičková.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 16.09.23, 07:34 o 'clock
