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Migratory birds

| Cinema Varšava

If you don't get out of the house, nothing will happen to you. That, in a nutshell, is the life philosophy of duck dad Mack, who constantly convinces his wife Pam and their two children of the virtues of their home pond, beyond which lies only wilderness and danger. However, Pam is getting tired of the mild mustiness of the home hearth and would like to see the world for once. When one day a group of birds heading to spend the winter in warmer climes takes a break, the decision is made. Despite Dad's protests, the whole family sets off from idyllic rural America to exotic Jamaica! Sounds great, but you can't make a crucial mistake right from the start, like our duck heroes...

A family animated comedy about a duck family eager to have a proper adventure.
Aktualisiert am 27.01.24, 08:38 o 'clock