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Holidays in the museum

| Museum of the Mladá...

Muzeum Mladoboleslavska

The Case of Mr. Hnátek 30 June - 3 September 2023 A search for children on the trail of a skeleton that mysteriously disappeared from the Mladá Boleslav Museum. Did it sink into the ground? Did it return to the grave? Did the skeleton get affected by the skeletonizer? Did he leave on a skeleton train? Dust was and turned to dust? We're calling in all the little detectives who can read a little to come to the castle. The museum ticket office will give them instructions on how to begin their search. Ball Tournament July 15, 2023, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Retro Games August 12, 2023, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. As every summer, we have a ball tournament in July and retro games in August. If you want to teach your kids games they don't know yet, or just reminisce about your childhood, come to the castle courtyard. Registration for teams of two or more will take place from 9am. Then you can practice until 3 pm. After that, we will start the competition for prizes.
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Aktualisiert am 28.06.23, 09:48 o 'clock