Prince of Prussia

| Burgtheater Bautzen (theatre)


Musical by Dieter Brand and Harry Sander | Book by Helmut Bez and Jürgen Degenhardt

in German language

Tickets at: 03591 584225

Germany 1920. Hardly two years have passed since the proclamation of the Republic and the abdication of the Kaiser. But his subjects still want the monarchy back, in which so many things seemed better to them than in the young democracy. A young man comes to Berlin and will soon cause a sensation: Harry Domela, born in 1904 in what is now Lithuania. As a teenager, he fought in the Baltic Landwehr against the Bolsheviks and the Red Army. Now he is discharged from the military as too young and stateless. So, like the shoemaker Wilhelm Voigt, who became famous as “Captain of Köpenick,” he finds himself caught in the dilemma of bureaucracy. Without a passport there is no residence permit, without it there is no job and without work there is no passport. Harry's life swings between a homeless shelter and the street without any chance until he has an experience: Even a noble title, no matter how small, can help you get back on your feet in this world. Now Harry Domela rises into “better” society as a “real blue blood” - sometimes he calls himself von Liven, sometimes Baron Korff - until one day in a luxury hotel he is mistaken for a really great person: Wilhelm, the emperor's grandson, the crown prince's eldest son.

A historically proven case of obedience to the authorities - written in a cheerful and tongue-in-cheek manner, set to music in a rousing, lively manner in the style of the 1920s. Kay Link stages the musical, which premiered at the Erfurt Theater in 1978, about the story of con artists in the German provinces as a cheeky comedy with lots of humor and lots of speed. A rediscovery of a special kind.‎ ‎

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 03.03.24, 07:48 o 'clock