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| Na Rampě Club

The Prago Union ones work. They work a lot, even though they shouldn't work at all according to all the rules of the music industry. Their boss isn't a magazine looker, and Kato, the "toothless poet", probably won't become a "sex symbol" either. Radio doesn't play their hits, and they don't play the sufferers - the programmers don't boycott them, the two worlds just completely pass each other by. Their music doesn't belong there, it's as far from "popular" as it gets. They don't have a hit and beware: they don't even have a proper scandal. They've got two Angel Awards at home and the critics worship them. Prago Union released their eighth studio album, Priduhned, in August 2022... Where did they come from, how did they come about, and how is all this even possible? There must be something about Prago Union. Come and see them.

One of the most interesting phenomena of the Czech hip-hop scene. Leader Kato and thoughtful sophisticated lyrics full of puns and double meanings.
Last update 10.04.24, 06:58 o 'clock

