Porcie Coughlan - Marina Carr

| City Theatre, Mladá Boleslav

Městské divadlo Mladá Boleslav

Come with us to the Irish Midlands - a peculiar land with even more peculiar inhabitants, interwoven with rivers and lakes as thickly as Celtic mythology. Right on the banks of the Belmont River stands the family seat of Raphael Coughlen and Portia Coughlen, a local beauty who breaks the hearts of the local men. Time passes as inexorably as the water in the river, and Porcie is celebrating her thirtieth birthday. But it is also the day exactly fifteen years to the day that Porcie's twin brother Gabriel drowned. Thus, during one solemn day, family secrets, old wrongs and heavenly singing emerge from the depths of the river. Starring Magdalena Jirounková. Directed by Diana Šoltýsová

A mysterious family drama from the Irish countryside.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 06.04.23, 14:07 o 'clock