In the footsteps of architect Krýš

| Congregation of John Hus in...

Město Turnov

Follow in the footsteps of the Czech builder and architect Vladimír Krýš, who worked especially in Turnov and its surroundings.
The aim of the guided tour will be Krýš's ceremonial and church buildings - the new building of the Turnov congregation of the Czechoslovak Church and the mortuary with a ceremonial hall in the cemetery at the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. Meeting for participants is at 2:00 pm at the Hus congregation in Koněva Street. The event will conclude at the Gallery of the Alley of Crafts at the Czech Architecture Awards exhibition.

A guided tour of ceremonial and religious buildings by architect Vladimír Krýš with historian Petra Šternova, which is held on the occasion of the national event Architecture Day.
Aktualisiert am 16.09.23, 07:42 o 'clock