Playpad Circus – Sealed In Amber

| Freilichtbühne Weinau...


He grew up in Berlin's club scene and was touring Europe as the double bass player of the GypsyPunk band Diving For Sunken Treasure before he fell in love with Lückendorf.
He now lives and works in the secluded idyll of the Zittau Mountains.
In studio productions, audio-visual live performances, light and sound sculptures, the multi-instrumentalist Chris Fischer combines a wide variety of genres and moves playfully between club culture, orchestral composition, traditional music, jazz, rock'n'roll and experimental electronic sound generation.
With its new program "Sealed in Amber", Playpad Circus presents personal soundscapes between ambient and ecstasy. Synthesizers, drum computers, double bass, guitar and voice merge into a fascinating musical journey.

Aktualisiert am 24.08.21, 21:16 o 'clock