
| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Dance piece by Dan Pelleg and Marko E. Weigert


The roots of the legends about Phoenix, the firebird, which burns at the end of its life and soon rises again from the ashes, go back a long way. Already an Egyptian myth tells of the divine heron Benu - "He who arose from himself" and flew over the waters of Nun even before the creation of the world. He landed, the legend says, on a rock and uttered a loud cry that determined the nature of creation.

In the course of tradition, Benu became the Greek phoenix. Today, this mythical bird stands for the self-induced new beginning and for an eternal - mostly by its own power - being reborn from the apparent death. It is a symbol for optimism, for the steadfastness and perseverance of people, indeed for hope in general. Especially today a precious thought - and the perfect occasion and core of a new dance creation, in which we explore the interplay between living and dying and the boundless creative power of nature. Like phoenix from the ashes, stage dance will reinvent itself again and again.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 23.06.22, 23:14 o 'clock