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Paul-Antoine Nörpel & Martha Pohla

| VINYL Musik-Kneipe Zittau...


Paul-Antoine Nörpel & Martha Pohla read Bernd Imgrund: A little history of the pub. From the fascinating hustle and bustle around the counter (this reading will be in German language)

A pub is a room with a beer tap, counter and a few tables. There is also an innkeeper who runs the shop. Food isn't really on the agenda, apart from perhaps small things. The Sumerians went to pubs more than 4000 years ago to say goodbye to the world and its hustle and bustle for a while. A strange, contradictory place: you are there in public and at the same time among yourself. At all times people drank and talked, sang and danced, played, loved and murdered in pubs. This book tells how that has developed over time - tasty, high-proof.

© 2020 Riva Verlag in the Munich Publishing Group GmbH, Munich

In the VINYL Music Pub, Zittau

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 10.03.23, 10:33 o 'clock