Celebration of the Smržovka Viaduct

| Kulturní středisko Smržovka

Kulturní středisko Smržovka

-       10-10.8 p.m. Opening of the celebration with a performance by the children's choir Smržováček -        10.20-14 p.m. O.V.J. will play for listening, good mood and dancing. Dixie Liberec -         12 pm Toast under the arches of the viaduct and opening of the landscaped path between Jitřní and Údolní streets -       12.30 pm Ceremonial unveiling of the bust of Tomáš Garrigu Masaryk at T. G. Masaryk -        14-14.30 pm Performance of the dance club of the elementary school Smržovka -        14.30-18 pm Music from country to rock will be played by Kompress Rock with frontman Pavel Černý Furthermore. A new tourist card, a new tourist card (with a stamp) and other items with the viaduct motif.   Chateau 10 am - 6 pm -       Exhibition Hall - exhibition called 130 years of the Smržovka viaduct, which will remind the history of not only the construction of the viaduct, but also the Smržovka section of the railway line from Liberec to Tanvald, as well as all the logo designs for this year's celebrations. -        Museum of Local History with a new model of the viaduct with a passing train -      Museum of Local History with a new model of the viaduct with a passing trainnbsp;     Ground floor - sale of a custom viaduct-themed postage stamp, including the opportunity to obtain a commemorative celebration stamp(https://www.smrzovka.cz/vismo/calendar-akci.asp?hledani=1&id_org=15132&when=-1&date_from=19.10.2024&date_to=19.10.2024&p1=7928)   -         Outdoor gallery (fence to the railway station) at Zámeček - work by pupils of the Smržovka Primary School on the theme of the viaduct

From 10 am to 6 pm at the main train station and in Zámeček. Main railway station, viaduct and T. G. Masaryk Square.
Last update 28.09.24, 07:53 o 'clock
