Oskars Kleid

| Freilichtbühne Weinau...

Hillersche Villa

D 22, R: Hüseyin Tabak, FSK: 6, 122 min | Drama/Family film

Since Ben (Florian David Fitz) has been living in separation, far away from his ex-wife Mira (Marie Burchard) and their joint children Oskar (Laurì) and Erna (Ava Petsch), he is only a shadow of his former self. He sits all alone in his much too large semi-detached house and eats his cereal with beer. When the heavily pregnant Mira (Marie Burchard) has to go into hospital prematurely, Ben's job as a father is once again in demand and the house, which has been almost deserted in the meantime, is once again inhabited by his children. He is determined to take advantage of this opportunity and show everyone that he, too, can be the perfect father. Ben is optimistic and believes that everything can turn out well after all. His plan seems to be working - but his child Oskar, who Ben perceives as a boy, has another surprise in store for him: he no longer wants to be a boy, and from now on wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off and now calls himself Lili. For Ben and his little family, Lili's decision is the beginning of an adventurous journey and the chance for a new beginning.

Aktualisiert am 09.08.23, 23:08 o 'clock