Curtain up - Theatre on the Terrace

| Cultural Center Střelnice,...

Kulturní centrum Turnov,...

200 CZK Fate, in the form of a will, brings the five women in Michael's life - his daughter Teresa, executive assistant Sharon, mother Beth, partner Jackie and ex-wife Pam - to the dilapidated theatre. They have the daunting task of getting the theatre back on its feet, just as the deceased had wanted. Can they do it? Can they overcome their differences or will everything turn out differently? A catchy comedy full of unexpected twists and turns and surprising situations from the pen of the excellent British author Peter Quilter.

An open-air chamber scene. In case of bad weather, the event will take place in the large hall of the Shooting Gallery.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 19.06.23, 15:14 o 'clock