I served the King of England

| Small Theatre

Bohumil Hrabal's famous novel was written in 1971, but it was not officially published until the autumn of 1989. It is undoubtedly one of the most important works of Czech literature of the second half of the twentieth century. Against the backdrop of the fate of a "little Czech man", it captures the modern history of our nation from a completely different angle than was customary in communist times. This is the story of a little pikeman who experienced the boom and self-confidence of Czech society during the First Republic, as well as its fall during the occupation and humiliation during the rise of communism. He longs for wealth and recognition in his profession, he longs for a loving wife - and basically he achieves all this, but the great history always sweeps away his happiness so that in the end, after all he has seen, heard and known, he finds security in his heart and solitude... The production should also be a kind of gift to the Liberec audience. Those who remember it will know that thirty years ago the Little Theatre opened with this play, and now everyone can look forward to its return

Bohumil Hrabal's famous novel.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 02.12.23, 09:33 o 'clock