| Kulturní centrum Golf...

Mandy and Tania, two beautiful dancers from a nightclub in London's Soho, find themselves in a tight spot. What happens when the club's unforgiving owner, Big Mack, finds out that Mandy is having an affair with Gerry and Tania is having another with Terry and sends his cronies after them? And what happens when he learns that it's not just his dancers' affairs that are at stake, but big money too? The cast includes Martin Zounar, Martin Kraus, Markéta Procházková, Kateřina Pechová, Robert Hájek, Denny Ratajský and Jiří Štrébl. 550,- CZK. Pre-sale at www.kcgolf.cz.

Crazy comedy with a criminal plot.
Theatre and Literature
Last update 17.09.24, 06:36 o 'clock
