Night of the Churches in the Church of St. Anthony the Great

| Church of St. Anthony the...

Program of the Night of Churches 7. June 2024 18:00 Severáček: children's choir under the direction of Silvia Langrová, piano collaboration with Eva Dvořáková 19:00 Trigenerational choir of TUL: under the direction of Jana Konvalinková 20:00 Schola od 3A: rhythmic Christian songs for worship 20:45 Tour of the church and guided exhibition: with interpretation by Jiří Bartoloměj Sturze 21:30 Organ Concert: performed by graduates, pupils and teachers of the Liberec ZUŠ, Frýdlantská 22:00 Reading from the Word of God
In the Archdeacon Church of St. Anthony the Great, there will be on display some previously unpresented monuments in the care of the Archdeaconry, especially the rare Stations of the Cross - underpainting on glass from 1821 and two Baroque paintings of Liberec processions from the first half of the 18th century.
The church tower will also be open to the public.
Tasty refreshments throughout the programme are provided by the café "U Poustevníka".

Tours of the church, climbing the tower, a concert by Severacek from 6 pm, a concert by the Three Generations Choir of TUL from 7 pm, rhythmic songs by Schola from 3A from 8 pm, an organ concert from 9:30 pm.

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Aktualisiert am 24.05.24, 06:08 o 'clock