A Tour with the Night Watchman through Zittau

| Zittau, Innenstadt

Jochen Kaminsky

City tour guide Jochen Kaminsky - An entertaining walk through Zittau in the evening -- spiced with humor and interesting facts.

Meeting place: Restaurant "Zum Alten Sack" in the Salzhaus, Neustadt 47, Zittau

Length: 1.5 hrs

Price per person: Adults 7.00 € , Students 4.00 €

Organizer: Gästeführer Jochen Kaminsky, Neustadt 47, 02763 Zittau

To sign up: jochen.kaminsky@web.de, Tel: +49 3583 796579

Markets & festivals Knowledge
Aktualisiert am 12.10.21, 15:10 o 'clock