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At Full Throttle through Asia - gala premiere

| Cinema Varšava

A film about two motorcyclists travelling through the Pamir Mountains and the lands around it. The film is made in such a way that the audience will have an extraordinary experience. It looks into the world of motorcyclists, their problems and worries along the way, but at the same time brings amazing footage of the countries visited, which are Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. This unique film was created unplanned and the authenticity of the whole project is all the more remarkable.

The documentary follows the journey of two motorcyclists and travellers through Asia in the Pamir Mountains. The personal story tells of the beauty of the lands and the challenges of travel. Gala premiere with the filmmakers and a post-screening discussion. Motorbikes on which the motorcyclists rode through the Pamir Mountains will be on display.
Aktualisiert am 29.03.24, 05:23 o 'clock