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Mexico - Guatemala

| Železný Brod Civic Cinema

We will travel together to untamed Guatemala, southwestern Mexico and the Caribbean islands of Belize with their white beaches. We will discover Mayan temples and pyramids amidst a jungle full of roaring monkeys and colourful birds. We'll walk through misty forests, climb volcanoes and watch the lava spewing Fuego volcano. We'll cross Guatemala's mountain ranges to sleep with the locals. The traditional myths and rituals of the indigenous Mayan Indian tribes are still absolutely fascinating today.We will visit old colonial cities, experiencing the breathtaking atmosphere of vibrant marketplaces and sacred sites. On the Yucatán Peninsula, we will swim in karst underground lakes (cenotes). We will sail on a boat on Lake Atitlán, said to be the most beautiful place on the planet. A spectacular journey awaits us.

A brand new lecture by photographer and traveller Pavla Bičíková.
Aktualisiert am 18.08.23, 08:02 o 'clock