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Madame Rubinstein

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The cast: Dana Syslová, Milena Steinmasslová, Jiří Hána Painted by Salvator Dalí and Picasso. She adorned herself with jewels that belonged to Catherine the Great and by marriage she gained the title of princess. Helena Rubinstein was the queen of a cosmetic empire, which she built on twelve cups of ordinary cream. She hated idle chatter, she was blunt and she ran the company with a firm hand until her last breath. Originally titled Lip Service, the play was produced to a sold-out run at London's Park Theatre in 2017, where it ran under the title Madame Rubinstein, and then went on to a successful run at Sydney's Ensemble Theatre. John Misto - Australian author, has been writing plays since 1992. His other works include the titles Dark Voyager (a clash between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford), Harp on the Willow (with Marina Prior), which won the Rodney Seaborn Award for Best Play, and The Shoe - Horn Sonata, which won the NSW Premier's Literary Award for Best Play and the Australia Remembers National Playwriting Prize. John Misto has also collaborated on the play Peace Train: the Cat Stevens Story, which has been successfully performed on tours around the country. John Misto is also an accomplished screenwriter and his television films and screenplays have won many awards including the Queensland Premier's Literary Award and in Chicago he was awarded the TV Gold Plaque. John Misto was lucky enough to meet Marianne Hinton, niece of Patrick O'Higgins (the character of Ira in the play) who not only generously shared her experiences and photographs of Uncle Patrick, but was also very pleased with the performance itself.

It was painted by both Salvator Dalí and Picasso. She adorned herself with jewels that had belonged to Catherine the Great and by marriage had acquired the title of Princess. Helena Rubinstein was the queen of a cosmetic empire she built on twelve cups of ordinary cream.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 02.03.24, 06:22 o 'clock