Lukáš Pavlásek - Planet of Chickens

| VRATISLAVICE Cultural...

We'll find out what terrible things happen when you forget your mobile phone at home. We'll enjoy our five minutes of fame in a TV competition, learn how to behave in a shopping mall, call a hotline and find out why nature is hit by an onslaught of idiots from the city every Saturday. And finally, we'll come to the conclusion that only chickens will survive on this planet after all. Come and laugh at what you know from life. Lukáš Pavlásek is one of the most popular Czech comedians and his second full-length standup show offers great and original entertainment.

Lukáš Pavlásek's next 90-minute one-man-show, Planet of the Hens, is a stand-up special in which we look at the prospects of our glorious civilisation, where everyone thinks they are right, still buys unnecessary things and where creatures as diverse as women, men and dogs live side by side.
Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 08.12.23, 15:22 o 'clock