LUCA Film Tour - Short Films for Gender Equality

| Freilichtbühne Weinau...

Filminitiative Dresden e. V.

The five selected films from the FILMFEST DRESDEN program show a diversity of genders and lifestyles. Awaiting the audience is this year's winning film of the LUCA Film Award for Gender Equality, which portrays a queer pioneer of visual art and reminds us that the names of many female visionaries who shaped this art have mostly been forgotten. The film program challenges stereotypical notions of gender roles, provides insights into the realities of life for queer people and people of color, and challenges traditional expectations. It shows: People are diverse and diversity enriches our society.

Following the program, there will be an opportunity for conversation and discussion. At individual venues, filmmakers will be on site in person to talk about their film.

The film program will be presented in German or with German subtitles.

Aktualisiert am 09.08.23, 09:05 o 'clock