| Na Rampě Club

After the tour for the essential album Soukromá elegie (which won a gold record!) and the Route 66 retrospective tour for the Supraphon 13CD set, Luboš entered the Beat Hall of Fame... and now he is reaping all the fruits and awards in halls from Šumava to Ostrava, increasingly sold out. "On the eve" of his seventieth birthday in October 2019 he gave himself his first live album called Ostrava !!! Live. In its spirit and especially in the spirit of round-ups were the previous year's concerts, including two sold-out concerts in Prague's Lucerna Music Bar and Brno's Semilasso. The current tour offers a cross-section of the protagonist's entire career - the audience will be treated to tried-and-tested songs from the golden era (Jekyll and Hyde, Private Journey to Nowhere...), as well as modern hits (Vznikla zem, Tak navštiv bar...) and three songs from the new Poesis Beat. Pospíšil's tenor behind the drums is secured by drummer Jakub Nývlt (also Sto zvířat, Oskar Petr...), electric guitar is tamed by Mirek Linhart (YoYo Band), keyboards of bandleader Ondřej Fencl (Schodiště, V. Merta, Marsyas...) cement the bottom end, rhythm is completed by bassist Jakub Červinka (Etc, Sto zvířat, Jan Burian.Michal Hnátek (Divadlo Elf, Jan Hrubý and trio...), Michal Hnátek (Divadlo Elf, Jan Hrubý and trio...) The unique thing on the stage are the five voices as another hallmark of the current 5P, gathered around Pospíšil. Generational barriers are broken down by the strength of the collective, the band plays with joy, even though some songs are older than some of the performers. And maybe that's why. The albums of the current 5P have been acclaimed by positive press coverage, as well as decent sales for their time; in connection with Private Elegy, reviewers wrote about "the best album since And Don't Shoot the Lover. Tour after tour, L.P. plays around eighty concerts a year. It's as if those crosses weren't 72, but twice as many.

I've liked this wind for 40 YEARS. The matador of the Czech music scene, with a voice you can't mistake, is experiencing one of the happiest periods of his more than fifty-year career, accentuated by the new album Poesis Beat (2021) and, currently, the fortieth anniversary of the release of his cult debut This Wind I Liked.
Last update 01.12.23, 13:59 o 'clock

