| Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater...


Performance of the Artists' Union with actors from Kharkiv

Theater ensemble WHEELS Berlin
1h 10min o.p., in Ukrainian and English with German live translation; Recommended age from 14 years
Director: Lisa Pauline Wagner

TIP: Combination ticket valid for both performances "The Guardian" and "Little World War" as well as for the joint follow-up discussion from 8:30 p.m. in the theater foyer!

Maria Vanieieva and Olha Kryvosheieva are actresses of the State Theater "Pushkin" in Kharkiv and lecturers in acting at the Kharkiv National University of Arts.

At the end of February the artists fled to Berlin and since their arrival they have been working on the performance "Little World War", in which they deal with their escape experiences from the Ukraine.
They report on the shock and the comedy of the situation, reminisce about Russian holidays and Ukrainian songs. They sort through family stories and fake news for themselves.
The war of aggression is just as much a topic as flight, what is left behind and arrival.
Since the beginning of April they have been supported by their acting colleagues and partners Andrii Vanieiev and Oleksandr Kryvosheiev, who add their own material to the performance.

The performance in English with German live translation lasts 60-70 minutes and is constantly being developed. A musical evening that combines physical theater with multilingual testimonials, poetry and satire. The scenic setting of the performance and the translated passages also guarantee an experience for people with little knowledge of English.

Theatre and Literature
Aktualisiert am 15.03.23, 16:25 o 'clock