Late night challenge vol. 3


IQLANDIA, o.p.s.

What can you look forward to?

Come and enjoy the exhibition in an unusual night coat!DJ Ondra "Mech" Seidl will play with his Silent disco show, our lecturers will perform the popular science show and you can also look forward to a special surprise. In short, a show. ;-) Our molecular bar will be open throughout the evening and will be dominated by the lecturers and managers of iQLANDIE. In short, those with the biggest appetite and the sense to properly stir up the fun! The gastronomy will be provided by chef Ondřej Nejedlý with his grill in the outdoor stand. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are a matter of course.

Challenge station on the theme Get to know yourself!

Just like last time, we will prepare a series of challenges for which you will earn tokens redeemable for drinks! Show your strength and skill! Try out the new Geronto Suit or Airzook, get a kick out of Van de Graaff's generator, set your hands on fire or test your stamina in a time trap! 5 challenges = 1 drink. Challenge accepted? An opportunity to enjoy iQLANDIA in a different way than we know it! For one evening we will simply be an entertainment rather than an educational centre. Come and enjoy it with us! :)
When: 19 May from 18:00 to 23:30 Admission. Payment at the bar is possible by card and cash!

There is another party in iQLANDIA. Come for an unusual evening program spiced with drinks from the molecular bar and a special show!Enjoy iQLANDIA for adults to the MAX and find out what you have in you!
Aktualisiert am 15.04.23, 16:18 o 'clock